Monday, October 13, 2008

regarding wikis

While familiar with wikipedia as something of a research tool (bearing in mind that not everything is 100% accurate) I'd never edited a wiki prior to this week's exercise... At this stage I'm still waiting for the invite key so that I can contribute to the nsw learning 2 wiki but I did have a look at a number of the wikis mentioned in the week 5 notes.
Wookieepedia is a fascinating wiki if only for the seemingly endless amount of information regarding the most trivial aspects of the star wars universe - that said, star wars seems perfect content for a wiki given the information available through films, books etc....most people outside of devoted star wars fans would probably feel a bit intimidated contributing to wookieepedia, but then I'm guessing that's who it's aimed at.
I thought that the BookLovers wiki was a great idea for public libraries - it gives members of book clubs a wider scope for discussing their books outside of face-to-face meetings and would be especially useful if individuals weren't able to make face-to-face meetings and still wanted to enter into and contribute to the discussion.
Obviously with some wikis, as can be seen by the Mint Museum wiki, who edits the information is decided by the people responsible for the establishment of the wiki. As we've seen with wikipedia, information can and has been added incorrectly (often blatantly) - so perhaps this isn't such a bad idea (although it does kind of run contrary to the whole idea of a wiki as being freely available to edit)....

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